The Daniel K. Inouye Institute was established in 2013 to preserve Senator Inouye’s papers and tell his life story; support STEM education, civics learning and international educational-cultural exchanges; and establish a repository of the Asian American/Pacific experience.
Senator Inouye’s legacy is being honored and carried forward by a range of initiatives:
- The establishment of the Daniel K. Inouye Center for Democratic Leadership on the University of Hawaii Manoa campus. It will support:
- The Inouye congressional papers, from which pertinent components will be digitized and shared with the Library of Congress to create a virtual reading room.
- An oral history which will complement the telling of Senator’s story by his family, friends and colleagues in Hawaii, throughout our nation, and on an international stage.
- The Dan and Maggie Inouye Endowed Chair.
- Academic programs including the Public Policy Center and public lectures on leadership and the importance of civic engagement.
- Support for middle and high school STEM and civics programs to inspire the next generation of leaders.
- The Inouye video and media collection at the Giugni Archives at the University of West Oahu, which will be digitally available.
- International educational and cultural exchanges, which will seek a greater understanding among students, to include the recently named “Tomodachi Inouye Scholars.”
- Partnership between the Smithsonian Institution, Bishop Museum and the DKI Institute to tell and share the Asian American Pacific story in Hawaii.