Pau Hana Event / Monday, September 28, 2020 / 5:00pm – 6:00pm / Virtual Event via Zoom

With Hawaii in and out of shutdowns due to a surge in COVID-19 cases, business and community leaders are looking for innovative and adaptive ways to rebuild its economy. One industry that has gained prominence during the pandemic has been streaming media services. With new shows and movies constantly offering fresh content and familiar classics, “what are you binge watching” is the new question everyone is asking.
Hawaii has long cultivated the television and film industry, and with demand at an all-time high, this already self-contained production could offer a way to safely infuse jobs and revenue into the state while adhering to strict COVID-related guidelines.

Amy Hill, Actress (Magnum PI, 50 First Dates)
Dan Lin, Producer (Aladdin, It, The Lego Movies)
Melvin Mar, Producer (Jumanji Movies, Doogie Kamealoha)
Donne Dawson, State Film Commissioner
Moderated By Chris Lee, Founder & Director
Academy for Creative Media Systems at the University of Hawaii
A continuation of the Daniel K. Inouye Institute and UH Public Policy Center Pau Hana + Policy hour featured an all-star panel that looked at how the demands for streaming television and film could help to safely diversify and rebuild Hawaii’s economy during these unprecedented times.
From candid commentary on the “new normal” of filming during a pandemic, to what it will take to build and support a thriving television and film industry in Hawaii, panel members captivated participants from across Hawaii and the nation with their honest perspectives, passion for the industry, and personal experiences.