In 2021 the Daniel K. Inouye Institute donated 7 pieces from Senator Inouye’s personal art collection to the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. The artists are Satoru Abe, Joseph Dowson, Sr., James Hoyle, Leialoha Iversen, and Tadashi Sato. The art was often displayed in his Washington, D.C. and Honolulu offices over his career.
The artwork is in the main terminal – 4 pieces in the Ewa Concourse, 1 piece at the entrance to the Central Concourse and the 2 pieces in Diamond Head Concourse.

Artist: Joseph Dowson, Sr.
Title: “Wailele o Koʻolau”
Date: 1989

Artist: Leialoha Iversen
Title: “Kukui”
Date: 1980

Artist: James Hoyle
Title: “Hanapepe Monkeypod & Bougainvillea”
Date: 1988

Artist: James Hoyle
Title: “Hanapepe Bougainvillea Hillside”
Date: 1986

Artist: Satoru Abe
Title: “Branches from the Box”
Date: 1980

Artist: Tadashi Sato
Title: “Lava Field”
Date: 1986
Title: “Composition”
Date: 1967